Friday, 24 February 2017


Hello Everyone,

On THURSDAY 2ND MARCH, we will be celebrating WORLD BOOK DAY!

Please can you encourage your child to dress up as their favourite book character from a well known story for 50p?

The money we will raise will be used to buy new books for our classrooms and Libraries based within Blaise.

I cannot wait to see the characters you have chosen to be.

Teachers will also be dressing up!

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Monday 27th February...

Hello Everyone,

Owlets class children, Parents and Carers are invited to a games afternoon from 3:25pm - 4:00pm on Monday 27th February.

There will be a selection of games set up in Owlets class for you to explore with your children. 

You can stay for as little or as long as you like.

We hope you can make it.

Miss Williams

Cześć wszystkim,

Owlets klasy dzieci, rodzice i opiekunowie proszeni są o popołudnie gry od 3:25 pm - 4:00 pm.
Nie będzie wybór gier utworzonych w klasie Owlets do odkrywania z dziećmi

Można zatrzymać się tak mało lub tak długo, jak chcesz.

Mamy nadzieję, że można to zrobić.

Pani Williams

Outdoor Learning dates...

Hello Everyone,

Yesterday, Owlets children were given a 'change of date' letter linked to Outdoor Learning (Forest School).  The letter specifies the dates Outdoor Learning will take place this term:

*Tuesday 7th March
*Tuesday 21st March
*Tuesday 4th April

If you are able to help out during our Outdoor Learning sessions, please speak with Miss Williams.  Your support would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,

Miss Williams

Cześć wszystkim,

Wczoraj, dzieci Owlets dano 'Zmiana terminu "List związana Outdoor Learning (Forest School). Litera określa daty Outdoor Learning odbędzie się w tym okresie.

* Wtorek 07 marca
* Wtorek 21 marca
* Wtorek 04 kwietnia

Jeśli jestes w powyżej tygodnia pomoc podczas naszych Otwartych sesjach edukacyjnych, PROSZĘ porozmawiać z panną Williams. Twoja pomoc mile widziane bedzie Bardzo!

Dziękuję Ci,

Pani Williams

Free Pear or Apple tree...

Hello Everyone,

Please can you return your free apple or pear tree letter by Monday 27th February as John, the tree man will be phoning to collect numbers for each type of tree.

pear tree

apple tree

If you have nowhere at home to plant it, please still choose a tree and we can plant it together with your child at School.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

Cześć wszystkim,

Proszę można powrócić darmowy jabłko lub gruszka drzewo list do poniedziałku 27 lutego, jak John, drzewo człowiek będzie dzwonił do zbierania numerów dla każdego rodzaju drzewa.

Jeśli masz nigdzie w domu, żeby go posadzić, należy jeszcze wybrać się na drzewo i możemy sadzić ją wraz z dzieckiem w szkole.

Z góry dziękuję
Miss Williams

Monday, 20 February 2017

Outdoor Learning REMINDER...

Hello Everyone,
Cześć wszystkim,

I hope you have all had a *wonderful* half-term!
Mam nadzieję, że wszyscy mieli wspaniałą pół termin!

Just a reminder that tomorrow it is Outdoor Learning (Forest School) for all Owlets children.

Please remember to bring your wellies into School including lots of warm layers, and a waterproof coat.

Przypominamy, że jutro jest odkryty Learning (Szkoła Leśna) dla wszystkich Owlets dzieci. 
Proszę pamiętać, aby zabrać ze sobą kalosze do szkoły w tym wiele ciepłych warstw i wodoodporną powłoką.


waterproof coat


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

I czekamy na jutro.

Thank you,
Dziękuję Ci,

Miss Williams

Thursday, 9 February 2017

The Naughty Bus...

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow - Friday 10th February - I will be giving each of your children a 'Naughty Bus' to take home for the half-term holidays.

The link bellows takes you to an animated version of the story:

I have to remind you that Naughty Bus is particularly mischievous and could cause a lot of mess and craziness in your own home, if you are out and about, or even when you are sleeping!!

Please take photos, draw pictures or write about the adventures YOUR Naughty Bus gets up to during the holidays.

I would love to hear about all the *fabulous* adventures your bus is part of.

You can bring your bits and pieces into School so we can share your learning or you can even send your learning to my email address:

Have a wonderful time!

Miss Williams

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Magnetic things...

Hello Everyone,

Owlets class are building up a collection of magnetic items.

If you have any magnets or magnetic items at home - that you no longer want or use - please feel free to bring them into class for our *S. U. P. E. R.* children to explore further with.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

Playdough ingredients...


We are currently developing a playdough self-service area within Owlets class.  If you have any spare or extra bottles of oil, bags of flour or salt at home, please, please, please could you bring them into School so our children can use these ingredients?  




Your support, as always, is much appreciated!

Thank you to the Parents of Luke and Sophie for their kind donations.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

We received 2 deliveries today...

Naughty Bus sent himself and his friends through the post AND two plates of sausages (Halal sausages WERE used when required) and beans arrived at the classroom door.

So what did we do?


Please leave a comment below. Remember to only leave your initials.