Friday 21 July 2017

What a truly wonderful year...

Hello Everyone,

I would like to say a huge *thank you* for an absolutely wonderful year!! The support and encouragement that you have continuously shown your child has always been much appreciated.

It has been my absolute pleasure teaching your Owlet across the year.

Can I please also say a sincere thank you for all your kind words, beautufully written cards and gifts. I am overwhelmed and yes, Owlets class did reduce me to tears today - which is definitely a first! 🙂 (The photograph below shows only a few of the cards and gifts received).

I wish you all a great Summer and I look forward to keeping in touch as I know many Owlets have wobbly teeth at the moment.

Thank you once again,

Miss Williams 🙂

Monday 17 July 2017

If you have ...

... any old but clean;
* school clothes

* welly boots

* t-shirts & trousers

* pants & knickers

* socks

* shoes

please could you consider donating these items to our Nursery and Reception classes?

They are always necessities and they would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

There is NO reading club today...

Hello Everyone,

I have just been informed that there will be NO reading club taking place after school today.  Texts have been sent out to Parents/Carers but this update on the blog is an additional reminder.

Normal collection time of 3:15pm is for all children today.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams