Friday 17 November 2017


Thank you to Owlets children for donating money and wearing their own clothes order to raise money for Children In Need today.

Owlets class raised £16.50 in total.  Woohoo!!

We also watched Peter Kay's Children In Need video on you tube.  The link is below:

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Cresswell

A playdough plea...


We are currently developing a playdough self-service area within Owlets class.  If you have any spare or extra bottles of oil, bags of flour or salt at home, please, please, please could you bring them into School so our children can use these ingredients?  




Your support, as always, is much appreciated!

Thank you in advance,

Mrs Cresswell

Junk modelling request...

If you have any clean and empty plastic bottles, egg boxes, yogurt pots, sweet wrappers, etc... at home, please could you bring them into School as we need them for creating our fantastic models?  

Thank you in advance,

Mrs Cresswell

empty yogurt pots

sweet wrappers

rinsed out milk cartons

empty egg boxes

used toilet roll holders