Monday 31 October 2016

'Meet the Teacher' Evenings...

Tomorrow and Wednesday, I will be holding 'Meet the Teacher' evenings in the Lower Hall.

Thank you to all the Parents/Carers that have signed up for a ten minute appointment.

If you have not done so already, I have a few times still available on Wednesday 2nd November.

I look forward to speaking with you about how your child has settled into Owlets class. 

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

The letter sound 'u'

Today, the children in Owlets class were introduced to the letter sound 'u'.

To write it we must:

1. lead in

2. down, up

3. lead out

Can you write the sound 3 times?

What begins with the 'u' sound?

Miss Williams

Giant African Land Snails...

Who would like to take home our Giant African Land Snails this weekend? 
If you are interested, please let me know.

A *HUGE* thank you to Luke and his Family for looking after our snails during the half-term holidays.

Miss Williams

Say Cheese...!

Hello Everyone,

Please remember that tomorrow morning Owlets children will be having their photograph individually taken by a professional photographer.

Please practice your smiles!!

Miss Williams

Sunday 30 October 2016

Parents/Carers Box...

Hello Everyone,

As from tomorrow, there will be a box placed next to Owlets class children's pegs for you to post any comments, ideas or suggestions in.
 - Maybe you would like us to do more of something, or
 - You may have any idea which you feel would support the class further, or 
 - You may have a positive comment or suggestion to make...

Please, please, please write it down on a sticky post-it note and add it to our box.  We want to ensure that we are meeting the needs of every child in Owlets class so your opinions really do matter to us.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams


I hope you have all had a *wonderful* half-term...

I am really looking forward to seeing you all and finding out about your half-term adventures!

I visited a county called Slovenia.  Can you find it on the map below?

I stayed near a very large lake called Lake Bled.  There was a small island in the middle of the lake which had a Church and a very tall bell tower.  I was able to ring the bell by pulling down on a rope three times.  How do you think I travelled across the lake?

I also visited a castle, which was really beautiful!

This is the flag of Slovenia. 

In Slovenia, some people speak Slovene.  It is their language.  I learnt how to say Hello in Slovene - "Zdravo"

If you have managed to collect any Autumnal objects, please remember to bring them into School tomorrow.

When I was collecting lots of leaves and conkers, I found the longest worm I have ever seen hidden underneath a broken stick.  How many cubes long to you think it would be?

Tomorrow is Harry Potter day.  We will be creating lots of potions linked to rhyming words. 

Remember to turn on your *good rhyming brain* in preparation.

Just to make sure that you are ready, can you think of any words which rhyme with my pictures below?

Now you are ready!

Have a brilliant day and I will see you all tomorrow.

Miss Williams

P.E. reminder...

PE days are every FRIDAY.

Please can you ensure that your child's clearly labelled P.E. kit is in a clearly labelled bag on their peg by Friday 4th November?

P.E. kits can consist of shorts or leggings and a t-shirt.  They can be of any colour.  The only important thing is that your child is able to move freely whilst wearing them!

All P.E. kits will stay in School until we break up for the Christmas holidays.  They will then be sent home to washed ready for our return in January.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

a t-shirt
a pair of shorts

or leggings are suitable items of clothing for P.E.

Thursday 20 October 2016


As we would like to build a HUGE collection of gorgeous Autumnal objects, please could you and your child, during the holidays, collect ANYTHING that reminds you of Autumn? 


Red leaves...

Pine cones...

Thank you,

Miss Williams

Meet the Teacher Evenings...

Please sign up to a 'Meet the Teacher' time on either 
Tuesday 1st November or Wednesday 2nd November. 
We will then be able to talk about your child and how they have settled into Owlets class.
I will be sending home appointment times tomorrow - Friday 21st October.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams 

Please, please, please...

If you have any clean and empty plastic bottles, egg boxes, yogurt pots, sweet wrappers, etc at home, please could you bring them into School as we need them for creating our fantastic models?  

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

empty yogurt pots

sweet wrappers

rinsed out milk cartons

empty egg boxes

used toilet roll holders

or any other *exciting* bits and pieces you may have!

*Happy Birthday*

Owlets class would like to wish Clayton a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

We hope you have a wonderful day!

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Thank you...

Thank you to all the parents/carers who were able to attend our
'An introduction to Reading and Phonics' 
session this afternoon.

We really hope that is was beneficial to you and that it answered lots of your questions surrounding letters and sounds. As promised, I have attached the Power Point used during our session. Please feel free to pop into Owlets class at any time if you would like to find out more or ask any additional questions.

Thank you, 
Miss Williams

Thank you,

Miss Williams