Tuesday 25 April 2017

Every Thursday afternoon, from 1pm - 3pm, Owlets children carry out cooking.

If you would like to help out, please let me know as we are always looking for Parent & Carer volunteers.

Your support as always would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,

Miss Williams

*Happy Birthday*

Owlets class would like to wish KYLE a HUGE HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

We hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!

Say Cheese!

Hello Everyone,

This THURSDAY 27TH APRIL, Owlets children and teachers will be having their class picture taken by a professional photographer.

Please practice your smiles!

Miss Williams

Sunday 23 April 2017

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder:

*FOREST SCHOOL will be taking place next Tuesday 25th April for all Owlets class childrenDue to Mr Gibson supporting Year 6 children with SATs practice over the next few weeks, I will continue to update you on here, via text message and letter when Owlets children will have their next Forest School session.

We are always looking for Parent/Carer helpers.  If you are interested, please speak with Miss Williams.

*Please ensure your child brings their P.E. kit into School.  P.E. takes place every Friday.  If you have trainers or daps at home, please bring them into School as we will be making the most of our beautiful grounds when the sun is shining.
a t-shirt
a pair of shorts

or leggings are suitable items of clothing for P.E.

*To develop our health and well-being, we will also be playing sport for at least an hour everyday on our large field, whether it will be running a mile or developing our physical skills through playing football and tag.

Here's to an action packed Term 5!

Thank you once again for your ongoing support.  It is always appreciated.

Miss Williams

Thursday 20 April 2017

Hello Everyone,

I hope you're having a *wonderful* half-term.
I look forward to hearing and reading about all the special adventures you have been on.

I visited Cardiff last weekend and noticed some really beautiful flowers growing in Sofia Gardens. Lots of bees were buzzing around collecting the pollen hidden inside.

These black tulips are called 'The Queen of Night'.  They were my favourite!
I'm sure you know the names of at least two flowers in my photograph. ☺ The blue flowers are called 'Blue Common Grape Hyacints'.

I even tried to plant some flowers in an old pot I bought to have in my own garden!

What do you think?

Just a reminder that on Tuesday 25th April, Owlets children will be having Forest School (Outdoor Learning)

Please ensure your Owlet has a long-sleeved top, trousers, a waterproof coat and spare socks.  We do have a few pairs of welly boots at School for your child to borrow.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 25th April - Monday 24th April is an Inset Day.

Miss Williams ☺

Monday 3 April 2017

Spring Fair...

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that our SPRING FAIR will be taking place on:


at 3:15pm - 5pm

in the GYM (near the main Office)

Flyers for this event will be given to your child to take home at then end of the School day today.

Thank you,

Miss Williams